literacy Archives - Blue 1647 Fri, 16 Jul 2021 11:33:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 literacy Archives - Blue 1647 32 32 World literacy rate Fri, 11 Jun 2021 11:20:26 +0000 Literacy is a key skill and a key measure for educating the population. In 1820, only 12% of the world’s people could read and write. Today, only 17% of the world’s population remains illiterate. The literacy rate in the world is growing. Despite the significant expansion of access to basic education around the world and […]

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Literacy is a key skill and a key measure for educating the population. In 1820, only 12% of the world’s people could read and write. Today, only 17% of the world’s population remains illiterate. The literacy rate in the world is growing.

Despite the significant expansion of access to basic education around the world and the constant reduction of educational inequalities, humankind has significant challenges ahead. In the world’s poorest countries, access to basic education is such that large sections of the population remain illiterate. This limits the development of the entire society. For example, in Niger, the youth literacy rate (15-24 years old) is 36.5%.

World literacy rates are growing steadily
The earliest forms of writing appeared five to five and a half thousand years ago, but literacy for centuries remained the lot of the elite – the technology of exercising power. Only in the Middle Ages, along with the development of printing, did the literacy level of people in the Western world begin to change. In fact, the ambitions of universal literacy of the Enlightenment era were able to come closer to reality in the 19th and 20th centuries in the early industrial countries, notes OurWorldInData.

The goal is to ensure that all young people and a significant proportion of adults, both men and women, can read, write and count by 2030.

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Literacy Fri, 23 Apr 2021 15:08:09 +0000 Literacy is a certain degree of a person’s proficiency in reading and writing skills in accordance with the grammatical norms of the native language. One of the most important indicators of the socio-cultural development of the population. The specific content of the concept of “literacy” has changed historically, expanding with the growth of social requirements […]

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Literacy is a certain degree of a person’s proficiency in reading and writing skills in accordance with the grammatical norms of the native language.

One of the most important indicators of the socio-cultural development of the population. The specific content of the concept of “literacy” has changed historically, expanding with the growth of social requirements for the socialization of the individual: from the simple ability to read – to the ability to read, write and perform elementary calculations. In the last decades of the 20th century, in countries that have achieved universal literacy of the population, an indicator of the general level of education of the population is used.

The literacy indicator retains its significance in the historical assessment of the development of culture.

According to UN statistics, in 2000 there were 862 million illiterates (aged 15 and over) in the world, which is about 20% of the world’s adult population. In order to attract public attention to this problem, in 2001 the UN proclaimed the 10th anniversary of literacy (2003-12) and set a specific task: by purposeful work with the relevant local sociocultural categories of the population, to significantly raise the level of literacy. Since 1966, International Literacy Day has been celebrated (8 September).

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